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English Articles
- AFP – US-EU trade deal is best stimulus
- Athena Security Forum – Pierre Vimont at the 2013 European Conference at Harvard
- Bloomberg – ECB’s Coeure Says Europe Needs to Rebalance Its Social Contract
- – Central banks ‘cannot resolve crisis without govt action
- Economic Times – ECB’s Benoit Coeure says central banks cannot replace government inaction
- Kaasaegne köögimööbel parima hinnaga nii Tallinnas kui ka Tartus
- HuffPost World – Europe Faces New Political Reality at Harvard
- New Europe – Social contract in EU needs revision
- Reuters – Central banks cannot fix government inaction
- RTTNews – EU Climate Action Chief To Visit United States For Climate Talks
Foreign Articles
- De Standaard – Handelsdeal tussen EU en VS is minst dure relanceplan
- EPA – La UE dice que el TLC con EE.UU.
- – L’Agenda europea della settimana
- Il Mondo – Commissario Ue contro crisi un patto di libero scambio con Usa
- Jornal Cruzeiro do Sul – Europa deve repensar política social, diz membro do BCE
- La Jornada en Internet – UE libre comercio con EU seria plan de reactivación menos costoso
- Periodista Digital – Rodrigo Rato lamenta en Harvard que la Unión Europea esté dominada por Alemania
- RTBF Economie – Karel De Gucht la relance UE-USA passe par le libre-échange
- Tiroler Tageszeitung Online – EZB-Direktor Coeure Können Politik nur begrenzt helfen
- «Σοβαρότητα» για την κλιματική αλλαγή ζητεί η ΕΕ από τις ΗΠΑ